Department of Treasury


The Challenge

Additional support was required with the development of an Enterprise Information Strategy (EIS). The EIS supersedes Treasury’s ICT Strategic Plan 2018-2021 and communicates the vision for enterprise information management for the Department, guiding investment in people, process, and technology between 2021-2024.. 


Our Solution

A structured hypothesis-driven and user-centric approach to the development of EIS.

We conducted over 50 interviews (across working and executive level stakeholders) as well as several workshops, to establish a detailed current state analysis of the information challenges and needs across the Department. This then informed a set of strategic goals, outcomes, and recommendations for meeting the EIS vision.

Our iterative approach to strategy development meant we were able to test concepts early and gain consensus and buy-in from a broad stakeholder group. We also adopted design thinking practices, focused on end-user outcomes (opposed to technology outcomes), to ensure that the strategic direction addressed real challenges and needs within the organisation.


The Outcome
The result of our approach was an easy-to-understand strategy that addressed real information challenges across Treasury. The EIS was widely endorsed across the Department, both at a working and executive level.


Navy Headquarters