Navy Headquarters

Communications, Media ICT & Business Optimisation


The Challenge

Navy Communications and Media, within Navy Headquarters, sought to develop solutions that support its transition from where it was, to a future operating model supported by an ICT solution, leveraging data driven frameworks and solutions.

Navy Communications and Media vision was to have matured and optimised processes to enable coordination and synchronise information effects.

Our Solution

To enable this, OCRT underwent a review of Navy Communications and Media to better understand it as part of reform and growth to increase efficiency and outcomes. Proposed action items to enable reform and efficiencies within Navy Communications & Media were identified across several challenge themes including:

  • Resourcing and culture

  • Processes

  • Strategy and planning (priorities)

  • Synchronisation and planning

  • Structure and authorities

  • ICT and Information Management

  • Communications and (internal) engagement

The methodology applied during this period aimed to review the directorate to enable it to work smarter, not harder in support of clear objectives that are aligned to priorities, desired outcomes and measurement.

This process also leveraged current Defence ICT systems to implement, a purpose built and designed solution within the current Defence Environment, enabling Navy Communications and Media to leverage a technology driven operating model, focussed on the improvement of information management and support to decision making.

OCRT developed and achieved the following through a technology solution for Navy Communications and Media:

  • Built a ‘single source of truth’ within the Defence Single Information Environment (SIE).

  • Compressed information gaps through a single user interface to preserve institutional knowledge through staff changes.

  • Crated visualization dashboards of important insights (data).

  • Improved access to information and collaboration between staff through flattening information needs, moving to a horizontal model where information is available to everyone within the team at any time.

  • Engaged staff and interrogated data and policies to develop a comprehensive ICT/ IM solution.

  • Improve support to decisions through the modernisation of information management and processes to provide timely, fused and assured information.

In addition, OCRT ensured Navy Communications and Media did not have a dependency on OCRT by OCRT providing comprehensive:

  • User guides

  • Maintenance training

The Outcome

OCRT enabled Navy Communication and Media to develop technology driven solutions whilst integrating additional opportunities to enhance business process and information activities. As a result of OCRTs project (and dedicated timeline) Navy Communications and Media are still in the early stages of their business optimisation maturity and digital journey.

OCRT developed a maturity model to depict how capable Navy Communications achieving continuous improvement - Continuous improvement is the central idea in building effective systems and outcomes. Continuous improvement is often achieved by reviewing processes and systems, evaluating their effectiveness, identifying improvements, and implementing them. ICT solutions that enable data collection is integral to be able to properly review and evaluate the effectiveness of Navy Communications and Media processes, people and work.


Department of Treasury
