Program Support Team

The Challenge

CIOG was concerned about the quality of project documentation being submitted to justify new capability. Project documents did not provide a compelling narrative of how Projects contributed to the strategic effects of the organisation. In addition, the client identified that documents were submitted just in time, leaving decision makers to remediate document narratives in short periods of time. 

Our Solution

Our initial environmental scan identified that documentation was drafted by program and project members using bottom-up analysis using technical terms. It lacked strategic appreciation and language, thus failing to communicate the value proposition of the project and capability to senior decision makers. 

It was observed that document quality was a symptom of a poor document delivery system. To improve the document delivery process, we structured our forward work plan to achieve the following: 

1.     Process Optimisation.

2.    Document Delivery.

3. Capacity Building.

The Outcome

The organisation has codified business rules and process to support effective document development. Project teams understand the organisational requirements for project documentation. Decision makers are involved in the document development process and are empowered to guide capability solutions being proposed through capability proposals. 


Navy Headquarters


Elbit Systems of Australia (ELSA)